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It is prefered to change the oil and filter; 2. Warm up the engine to operating temperature and turn off; 3. Pour the contents of the bottle into the oil filler neck; 4. Allow the engine to idle for 10-15 minutes. RESURS reduces the engine wear, filling the damaged zones and restoring the wear of metal surfaces. That’s all. Reduce las emisiones contaminantes.
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Slutgiltiga villkor - Morgan Stanley
2. Warm up the engine not less than 30 min and stop it. 3. Shake up the bottle intensively for 20-30 sec.
Recommended to apply RESURS every time when oil change to protect your engine and extend its service life. * RESURS TOTAL is compatible with all types of oil. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators
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